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02 Journey start

Created Friday 12 July 2024

The party has gone to Pineclan after the gathering to stay the night before heading out in the morning.
Thunderfluff and Bluebliss receive dreams regarding the adventure. (pass DC wisdom 13 - players will still get message but will be less jarring with effects)

"you hear fire and heat against your fur, roaring past you in a flash." (extend details?)

Cavernstar asks them to hunt before they leave, so they can help the clan and also eat before they go.
players are presented with the hunting mechanic, chance to get helpful herbs.
all prey caught by players is bad but sabelfrost dips away, finding meat from a cat corpse they had found earlier and were already tearing apart. they present to the party once they return to camp.
if players do NOT eat they will get disadvantage on strength saving throws. if they eat the sick prey, they will also get disadvantage.


Chamomile- A small, daisy-like white flower with a large and bulbous yellow center. Has a heavy and sweet smell. Only found in two-leg gardens. Blossoms and petals are eaten to strengthen and calm the heart and mind. Also given for strength when traveling.
Cobwebs- Webs from a spider, normally old or abandoned. Can be best found in dark and secluded areas. Used like a cloth on open wounds to stop bleeding. Applied to recovering wounds to keep medicine in place or protect the wound.
Deathberries (Yew)- A quite large and poisonous plant. Found in most forests. Identifiable by it’s red and stout, pealing trunk and pine-like leaves. It’s red, pitted berries grow on the stems of the needled leaves and are very poisonous to eat. Are sometimes used to end a suffering or old cat’s life, but only if they ask for them.

players can investigte the cat meat in front of them. they will not peice together that it is cat meat specifically but can get good information that something is very wrong with it.

players leave and start to walk down the river. they can roll to possibly find jaypaw w a dead body, if their passive perception (?) is high enough when passing the area. if they do, timber will scold him and tell him to get back, and report it to cavernstar immerdeiately

players will talk and maybe be offered more things to do? fight casual maybe? foxes prob

eventually they reach the pond as night falls. they see abandoned human machines, oil drums leaving puddles all around, and a large oil filled pond going into the river with a small dam holding back all of the clean water. describe the weather being a lightning storm. there is a strike on a nearby dead tree on the ridge, and it catches fire. show party that the oil is everywhere by having the fire go and touch a puddle near it.

timberscorch runs up the ridge when the lightning strikes. he gives some kinda speech

expected/planned speech:

He takes a stick and throws it into the large pond of oil, which ignites and then carries down the entire river.