To start the Game
The Stable
Choosing your Settings
Speaking to People in the Game
What to do if you lose your horse during the Game
Finding clues
Solving the Mystery
Camera Angles

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To start the Game (Back to top)

There are two ways to start a game.

  1. Click in an “empty slot” in the table and type in your name. Then click on the “new game” button.
  2. Click on a name you previously entered and click on “load game”.

Once you have run out of new game slots, simply click on an old game and click on “delete”.

Once the game loads, head to the left towards the stable to find your horse waiting for you!

The Stable (Back to top)

Your stable is the one you found your horse in at the start of the game.  You should keep it clean with the tools found next door in the tack room.  The tools will not work in any of the other areas of the stable.

Use the:

·        shovel to remove the dirty hay

·        broom to sweep the stall nice and clean

·        pitchfork to lay down fresh hay

The horse either wears the bridle or halter at any one time – it can’t wear both at once. 

If you are finding it takes a long time to saddle up your horse, put the halter or bridle on the horse in the stall and lead the horse to the tack room to put the blanket and saddle on. Pressing "T" is a quick and easy way to saddle up your horse without doing it manually.

You need to make sure the stable doors are open (by walking into them) before you can lead the horse out of the stable.

Use the "Shift" key to mount and dismount the horse. You can mount and dismount the horse from either side.

Choosing your Settings (Back to top)

You can make your setting selections (such as sound and music volume) at the start of the game from the main menu screen.  During the game you can use the following :

F5        Sound up

F6        Sound down   

F7        Music up

F8        Music down

Speaking to People in the Game (Back to top)

During the game, you must dismount the horse if you want to speak to people (by pressing "shift").

You can scroll up and down through conversations in the text box by pressing the arrow keys.

If the text stops scrolling press space bar to give it a nudge.

What to do if you lose your horse during the Game (Back to top)

If you go investigating on foot and then can’t find your horse, quit out of the game by pressing "Esc"and then go to the settings page in the diary by pressing "Page up" and "Page down".  Then restart the game you were playing and you will start in your stall at the Stables with your horse.

Riding (Back to top)

You can only put the horse's blanket and saddle on if you are on the horse's left side.

You must put the saddle on after the blanket.

You must have your helmet on before you can ride.

To mount the horse, you must let go of the reins (press the Space Bar), move around to the either side of the horse and press Enter.

If you just want to ride around the world you have to speak to the first person you see and then ride off.

There are lots of jumps around the island. Make sure you are galloping fast so you can make it over the big jumps! If you can't jump something the first time, try it again at a slightly different speed.

Finding clues(Back to top)

When you think you're near a clue, hop off and lead your horse and the clue will appear.

When you first meet someone they will introduce themselves to you. If you think they might also have a clue for you, make sure you approach them again as they might have more to tell you.

When you find a clue, it will pop up on the screen. Once you have read the clue, press the space bar to make it disappear.

Sometimes you need to go to the mine to find a clue or speak to somebody. The mine is nestled in the side of a hill. If you are having trouble finding it, just follow the road. You will see on the map that the road goes right to the mine.

Solving the Mystery(Back to top)

You will meet people along the way that will help you in your search. Make sure you check your diary to see who you are supposed to speak to and where you should go next.

Going directly to where you think the clues are without following the story will mean you will not have all the information you need to solve the final puzzle.

Camera Angles(Back to top)

You can scroll through various camera angles while playing the game to give you a better view. Try some of these keys until you get the view you want:

F1 - Change to default camera view
F2 - Previous preset camera view
F3 - Next preset camera view