

i kinda make blogs when i feel like i have some big summary update to make, or a specific topic, but i told myself i would try and use this more and i should use this more to ramble about and/or dump about what i am working on, because i never talk about it!! there arent many platforms where i can just dump loads of info about what i am doing... so i never talk about it. and i think i should, if people come across here and want to learn more or whatever, and i do pop away from activity with this site too so maybe i will give you guys something to see even if i am slow to do the big changes i want to make

so what am i up to??? well i have had two major things on my list: 1) big visual redesign to this website. (...you will notice now that the style of this page has changed. that is to prepare for the visual changes-- i am dropping the color scheme i have and while this will NOT be the main site colors, i want my blogs to now just be simple black/white for readability going forward) and 2) working on my project "Twisted Roots" which is a small part of my larger project "Penrose". Twisted Roots is a "forum" from 2005 where you can read multiple threads and also see new replies/new threads getting posted every so often (for now, one or more weeks between updates lol).

If you are confused or need questions answered, you can probably get some clarity under the "disclaimer" link in the footer. BUT to state so here in more detail-- Twisted Roots is a *fake* forum from 2005. All users and people mentioned in the world are not real. This takes place in the universe of Penrose, my project. I like to talk about it casually enough that it does sound real, but its not. (Even so having to refer to it as a forum with users even with intent to say its fake, still makes it sound kind a real lol). I can't give loads of details on how it "works" as clicking links is really the main thing. The website updates threads but all links that work, work for a reason. Certain topics in the world may come up more, some threads may become very popular, etc and it all has a purpose. Its up to you to keep an eye on threads and keep things in mind to see if they seem more important. This overall project will in some form be "multimedia", in that i want to do more outside of this website too. Hard to say where it'll go but i hope to incorporate videos outside of the site, which i have already kinda planned to some extent.

Penrose is kinda my biggest thing right now, and in turn I have been sorta focusing on drawn art again too, after many months of just not feeling it. im kiiinda using twitter again because i posted some recent art that got way more attention than i expected, but all i plan to do is just post my art and go.

In regards to redesign! i wont get too ahead of myself but i have much better ideas and direction on what i want to do. i kinda fell into "basic looking old website" because it was *easier* but i admittedly always wanted more, just got burnt out. i have been very inspired by 90s grunge era- you know when corporations just... decided to be edgy and grungy. plus some other y2k aspects. i really want to attempt some serious graphic design, which will take me some kind to get the hang out. dont be surprised if the website changes a lot as i test stuff out.

OH RIGHT i changed my usernames on twitter and tumblr to spikeinthepunch. let me talk about that for a second.

I have been back and forth on changing my username. because right now, my name is Morry (irl, online for even longer). and having my username *tied* to being called Morry... well it felt impossible to change after so long. spikeinthepunch or spike-in-the-punch was a super old UN i used on xbox 360 live and (i didnt know until i went through old DA journals recent) my first tumblr URL. i had really been wanting to have a username that wasnt just my name so i could be a bit more detached from my internet persona, like how i felt in the past with all the tumblr URLs i made up, you know? sooo i finally pulled the trigger. what does that mean for me the URL morrysillusion.net? well, i have owned spikeinthepunch.com and .net for a while in prep for this. but i dont actually want to get rid of the name "Morry's Illusion" entirely. i think with my intent to make projects, i will use it as a name like... as a full name to credit. i dont wanna put [first name] [last name] as my credits tbh. im gonna act like my name IS Morry's Illusion and my username is spikeinthepunch. like i said, detachment.

SO... my LANDING page will remain morrysillusion.net. My landing page will likely link to various things-- my projects, other websites i made, etc. my "home" or personal website will be spikeinthepunch (.com? .net? idk). itll take a bit though as i plan to redesign everything...again

To end this blog i want to swiftly list my username changes (as of post this on 5-23-2024)

tumblr, twitter, and sheezy: spikeinthepunch

deviantart, spacehey, youtube, and anything else i forgot is under morrysillusion still