
6/8/2024: new blog abt 2000s design

5/23/2024: new blog, talking about projects i am working on, username changes, etc

4/24/2024: new blog

4/12/2024: new blog AGAIN

4/8/2024: new blog

4/5/2024: I released a web project that I am excited to update. It is called

3/26/2024: another blog.

3/22/2024: I have a new page, dedicated to stuff from the musician Shmootzie the clod. he is an artist i love and he passed away years ago. I want to save what I can about him due to websites becing broken or going offline/etc. The page does not contain anything right now but please search his name to listen to what hes made!

3/5/2024: New blog post! Also new bg for the home page. Mild flashing gif but I tried to keep it super simple and not rainbowy nonsense.

2/13/2024: New blog post, reorganized pages too for less long urls.

12/31/2023: Oof, its the end of 2023. I finally have a new blog page better set up and ready to use-- over here

9/19/2023: more stuff on the homepage... just a bit. guestbook also available.

9/7/2023: updated the look of Coffini Outlet FINALLY but its still broken, no links fixed.

9/7/2023: small update to fix up the homepage i was having some issues getting centered. still a WIP but im tryin to get to it!!

8/28/2023: hiya, another swift update, starting to lay down the groundwork for my homepage. i want to make my site pretty minimalist at least on the front but will make my personal about page more colorful and busy!

8/27/2023: Wow, hi, been a while. Life got me good but I finally came back with some aesthetic thoughts! This is still subject to change! And other pages are not updated yet.

6/20/2023: AT THIS POINT ON every old page has been MOVED to a new location, and may not all be available!

6/20/20023: Been working on more redesign stuff... as said, keeping it simple until i get a proper theme figured out!

5/30/2023: Oof, busy month. I had gotten my new blog *look* done but still need to fix the old entires... but still wanted to show it off. So you can see it here!

5/9/2023: A blog about "de-making" my website, read it here!

5/2/2023: A VERY long blog about political theory and the feeling I don't know things I want to know. here! (oh god, its been a month since my last update??)

4/4/2023: new web blog about murder and intimacy and writing. here!

2/18/2023: new web blog here!

1/24/2023: Another tweak to the MC servers page over here.

12/30/2022: Into the new year, a new blog to wrap it up.

12/22/2022: adjustments to UTAU TOS, adjustments to home page sidebar, edits to Project site's minecraft server pages

11/23/2022: a new personal blog over here.

11/4/2022: new headers on the project site, along with a page about the minecraft servers I host!

Updated the landing page here to more easily link to new domains!

10/19/22: whoa... new subdomain... for all projects I will work on. I have links on the home page that will eventually go there too! but its all in a sub domain for organization sake. It will eventually got to the landing page as well.

10/4/2022: new blog on my home page introducing my alien sona/site mascot! (which you have seen a bit of, but i finalized and drew a reference sheet!)

10/2/2022: a new article on Coffini Outlet.

9/24/2022: finally writing about some OC stuff, though more just... the ideas of planning it. Go read it over on my blog!

9/12/2022: new blog over here! and editted a few minor things on the landing page.

9/5/2022: landing page image has been changed, a doodle of my site mascot, Mikike!

9/1/2022: Some minor updates- changed some URLs, updated about page, the todo list etc..

8/28/2022: Coffini Outlet has MOVED URLS to a subdomain! You can find it at and for now, old URLs will not redirect. I will work on that.

7/22/2022: new video and blog in Coffini Outlet.

7/17/2022: update on my main blog! If you wanna know whats been up for me this month take a read.

7/11/2022: changelog is now an iframe! got tired of having it all on the same index page, mostly if the index page was otherwise unchanged. Outgoing links on the landing page are also gone, seemed redundant with them being in the actual homepage.

6/28/2022: new blog over in Coffini Outlet!

6/25/2022: i finally made a new site stamp!

6/24/2022: blog with resources to abortion funds and other organizations HERE!

6/23/2022: new game review in Coffini Outlet!

6/22/2022: oops. quietly putting my UTAU homepage on the sidebar lol... didnt realize I hadnt linked it there since i revamped the home page!

6/22/2022: New general update blog over here! And much thanks for almost 10k views!

6/19/2022: New blog in Coffini Outlet. Still having issues getting some pages to respond well to mobile layout, consider it an ongoing WIP

6/14/2022: quick update for my about page, it should function now. Also added loads of buttons for sites i follow but i probably didnt get every one, so lemme know if you have a button! Will hopefully get to making some new buttons for my site soon...

6/13/2022: OH BOY!! New homepage! New landing page! Let me know if anything is broken!! (and yes the new bg is pixel-y)

6/9/2022: NEW page for my UTAU voicebanks! here!

6/6/2022-6/7/2022: implemented iframes to Coffini Outlet and the general Blog!

5/26/2022: Some minor changes to the homepage, popup alert for 18+ content, and full content warnings page added.

5/22/2022: New blog to my personal blog!!

5/19/2022: New blog post to to my personal blog!

5/15/2022: New page! Working on fandom stuff, decided to get my "general fandom" blog up and ready.

5/15/2022: Forgot to mention I added a background! It may change once I have more art to add.

[ updates past this point have been removed ]