Here is some other random stuff I do... or whatever
web blog
Link to my website blog where I ramble about some stuff.
Link to UTAUloid web page for voice banks I have made.
Shmootzie the Clod Fan Archive
A very very WIP archive for the musician Shmootzie the Clod AKA Drew Keriakedes. If you would like to help, please email me.
DND Archive
This is a list of DND games I have run and the "wiki" i have made for them using zimwiki. These were exported directly from zimwiki using its pre existing html/css/etc, with minimal edits.
"The Moon's Talon" was an unplayed Warrior Cats themed one off. Numerous players were confirmed and had drawn characters but this campaign was not able to be played. What is here is an unfinished wiki with a mostly outlined story based off a Warrior Cats fan clan story by me of the same name.