All of my current "projects", as in series/worlds I am working on. These projects come in many forms.
If you want to follow my projects behind the scenes, consider joining my discord server (if the link is dead please message me on tumblr/twitter/bsky!)
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Penrose is a project world based in our reality in the year 2005. It follows the main character Mick as she explores her past after finding people discussing her home town on a forum dedicated to cults and other mysteries.
Visit the Penrose wiki here. (NOT AVAILABLE YET)
Penrose is the story of a small off-the-grid fictional town of the same name located in Nevada. Taking place in the year of 2005, Penorse focuses on the main character Mick and Eden, women who grew up together in said small town's religious cult - Hill's End. The town's isolation left its people growing up with this strange culture as the norm, with no outside influence or help to intervene with the cult's growing extremist and harmful ideals until it was too late. After the cult's demise Mick leaves town shortly after at the age of 19, finding friends who help her move on into bigger society, while Eden remains in town unchanging and unable to move on. For over a decade Penrose's existence and history of the cult has remained unknown to the outside world, allowing Mick and Eden to exist without regard to their traumas and past.
However, the curious users of the crime and mystery focused forum Twisted Roots slowly start to unravel the history of a suspicious looking town found on another user's trip in Nevada. By chance, a Nevada based user happens to be the brother of Mick's boyfriend, and passes this information along when the two recall Mick having said she was from a small unknown town herself. Now, Mick faces her past again when she is confronted with what the cult truly was. She returns home to try and understand what she doesn't, hoping for insight from Eden as a friend who experienced the same horrors she did.
Twisted Roots Forum is a "prologue" to Penrose, taking place on the forum Mick eventually comes across. It is entirely fictional adn written by myself (and some collaborators). It updates sporadically and is ongoing. (link)